Quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis rostriformis) has been recorded from a reservoir and river in Surrey, England. This is the first record for this species in the UK.
See the GB NNSS website Species Alert: http://www.nonnativespecies.org/alerts/index.cfm.
The research report on the GB NNSS website titled ‘Preparing for the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Great Britain’, the reports notes that the impacts may be greater than the zebra mussel as it has a wider habitat tolerance.
This species is not yet known to occur in Ireland but in 2012 it was risk assessed as being a high impact potential invader to Ireland.
Become familiar with the identification of this species and report any suspected sightings with a photograph to invasives@biodiversityireland.ie or Inland Fisheries Ireland.
Download the GB NNSS Species Alert sheet with identifcation information