DU3C Agrostis stolonifera – Festuca rubra – Carex arenaria duneland
In this rather species-poor and low grassland community, Agrostis stolonifera and Festuca rubra are the top constant species, but typically neither dominates. Alongside them can usually be found Trifolium repens and Carex arenaria. Poa pratensis/humilis, Taraxacum officinale agg., Juncus articulatus, Bellis perennis and Plantago lanceolata are frequent, as is Plantago coronopus, an indicator of trampled open habitats. Mean maximum vegetation height = 28.9 cm, n = 12.
This community represents a transition between the drier Festuca rubra dune grasslands and the more humid communities with Agrostis stolonifera found in dune slacks, some machair and coastal fens. The community probably occurs on sandy mor-soils with some inundation and disturbance (mean altitude = 6.5 m, n = 15; mean extent of bare sand/soil = 25.3%, n = 15). Rarely, instances of this community may be found at inland locations.
No sub-communities are described.
Similar communities
Agrostis stolonifera is a scarce species in the dunelands of group DU2 in which Festuca rubra is so prominent, but is a constant here. This community lacks the Salix repens of community DU3A and the hydrophilic species of DU3B. It is close to the DU3D Festuca rubra – Bellis perennis duneland, but in that assemblage, Bellis perennis, Carex flacca and Prunella vulgaris are much more frequent.
Conservation value
Most examples of this vegetation probably correspond to the EU HD Annex I habitat 2190 Dune slacks or (on the northwest coast) the priority habitat *21A0 Machair. Species/4 m2 = 13.7, n = 44.
This dune grassland is often grazed by livestock and rabbits, and overgrazing or undergrazing can be a problem, as can disturbance due to recreational activities in popular coastal areas.