FW2G Potamogeton natans – Equisetum fluviatile aquatic community
Potamogeton natans is the only constant of this quite variable aquatic community and is usually a modest dominant. Occasionally found floating beside the pondweed are patches of Lemna minor or pads of Nymphaea alba. In an emergent element, Equisetum fluviatile is frequent while Phragmites australis, Menyanthes trifoliata, Hippuris vulgaris, Mentha aquatica, Eleocharis palustris and Apium nodiflorum occur less often.
This community occurs in mesotrophic, fairly base-rich waters in lakes, lagoons and turloughs, but also in dystrophic pools.
No sub-communities are currently described.
Similar communities
This community is closely related to the FW2I Nymphaea alba aquatic community, but can be differentiated on the contrasting frequencies and abundancies of Potamogeton natans and Nymphaea alba.
Conservation value
This is an aquatic community of medium species richness (species/4 m2 = 6.9, n = 21). Samples have been recorded from lagoons which correspondent with the priority EU HD Annex I habitat 1150 Lagoons*. Samples from turlough basins correspond to priority habitat 3180 Turloughs*.
This is an unmanaged community. The main threat would appear to be eutrophication.