FW2K Zannichellia palustris aquatic community
This is a simple, submerged aquatic community characterised by the presence of the perennial Zannichellia palustris. Often it is the sole vascular component, but occasionally one can find some pondweed (Potamogeton berchtoldii, Potamogeton crispus), Elodea canadensis or Myriophyllum spicatum. Ruppia occurs only rarely. Stoneworts recorded from this community include Chara aspera, Chara rudis, Chara virgata and Chara vulgaris.
This community has largely been recorded from lagoons and mesotrophic lakes.
No sub-communities are currently described.
Similar communities
Zannichellia palustris can also occur in the SW1A Ruppia maritima/cirrhosa lagoon community, but there it will be subordinate to the Ruppia.
Conservation value
Samples have been recorded from lagoons which correspondent with the priority EU HD Annex I habitat 1150 Lagoons*. Elodea canadensis is an invasive non-native species found in this community but it is not considered a major ecological threat and has already colonised much of its suitable niche in Ireland. Vascular plant diversity is low.
This community is typically unmanaged but is threatened by impacts which affect lagoons and lakes, including drainage for purposes of agricultural reclamation, natural siltation and eutrophication.