FW3K Carex paniculata swamp
The large tussocks of Carex paniculata tend to dominate this swamp community giving it a distinctive physiognomy. Other constant species are Holcus lanatus and Potentilla palustris. Frequently associates are Rumex acetosa, Galium palustre, Juncus effusus and some strands of Kindbergia praelonga.
These stands have largely been recorded from flush systems within blanket bog and fens where conditions are circumneutral and moderately fertile.
No sub-communities are currently described.
Similar communities
This is a distinct community which should be easily recognised.
Conservation value
This is a relatively species-rich swamp community, but with relatively low recognised conservation value.
These swamp stands are essentially unmanaged. The main threats to them are through eutrophication, peat extraction and drainage.