GL1D Molinia caerulea – Potentilla erecta – Agrostis stolonifera grassland
Molinia caerulea is the dominant species of this community, usually growing as large tussocks which make ground covered by this vegetation tiresome to traverse. Potentilla erecta grows through the tussocks and can be abundant. Of the other grasses, Agrostis stolonifera is a constant species while Juncus acutiflorus, Festuca rubra, Anthoxanthum odoratum and Holcus lanatus are all frequent and help form a fairly tall, rank sward (mean graminoid height = 50.8 cm, n = 126). Succisa pratensis is also a constant and Filipendula ulmaria is frequent (mean forb height = 33.0 cm, n = 126). A component of small sedges consists mainly of Carex panicea, C. flacca and C. hostiana.
The Molinia caerulea – Potentilla erecta – Agrostis stolonifera grassland is typically a lowland assemblage (mean altitude = 91 m, n = 126; mean slope = 2.8°, n = 126) on wet, very infertile and acidic basin peats and peaty gleys (mean organic content = 35.6%, n = 55).
Two sub-communities are described. The Filipendula ulmaria – Hydrocotyle vulgaris sub-community (GL1Di) reflects the wetter end of this community’s variation. The Holcus lanatus – Anthoxanthum odoratum sub-community (GL1Dii) conversely represents examples in drier (but still relatively wet) situations.
Similar communities
Succisa pratensis is also a key feature of the GL1C Molinia caerulea – Succisa pratensis grassland, which is more species-rich, has a higher forb cover and less dominance of Molinia.
Conservation value
This is a fairly species-poor grassland community (species/4 m2 = 18.3, n = 231), but some of the more diverse examples with Cirsium dissectum and lower dominance of Molinia caerulea qualify as EU HD Annex I habitat 6410 Molinia meadows.
These swards are managed as rough grazing land (typically for cattle) but at a low intensity. The main threats to these grasslands include improvement, abandonment and afforestation.