SM5A Juncus maritimus – Festuca rubra saltmarsh
This saltmarsh community is dominated by thigh-high tussocks of Juncus maritimus and dense tufts of Festuca rubra, usually accompanied by some Agrostis stolonifera and Glaux maritima (mean maximum vegetation height = 92.1 cm, n = 19). Frequently found here are Plantago maritima and Leontodon autumnalis. Juncus gerardii, Cochlearia officinalis, Triglochin maritimum and Trifolium repens are occasional components. Oenanthe lachenalii is not frequent but is more often encountered in this community than elsewhere on the saltmarsh and is a reasonable indicator.
This is an upper marsh community that is infrequently inundated. Conditions are circumneutral (mean pH = 6.6, n = 19).
No sub-communities have been described for this community.
Similar communities
In community SM5B, Juncus maritimus usually dominates alone and Festuca rubra is only occasionally present. There is unlikely to be confusion with any other communities outside of this group.
Conservation value
Almost all examples of this vegetation qualify as EU HD Annex I habitat 1410 Mediterranean salt meadows. It is typically a medium richness saltmarsh community (species/4 m2 = 7.3, n = 315) and supports several specialist species.
The main immediate threat to this saltmarsh community is probably grazing by livestock. Sea-level rises as a result of climate change will have an impact, particularly in areas susceptible to coastal squeeze.