WE1F Persicaria maculosa – Polygonum aviculare weed community
The constant species in this sparse and somewhat variable weed community are Persicaria maculosa, Ranunculus repens, Polygonum aviculare and Stellaria media. Frequent species include Chenopodium album, Poa annua, Potentilla anserina, Trifolium repens, Agrostis stolonifera and the annual archaeophytes Fallopia convolvulus and Spergula arvensis.
This community contains several pernicious weeds of cultivated land and is found growing amongst crops in arable fields, flower beds, and market and kitchen gardens.
No sub-communities are described.
Similar communities
From other weed communities, WE1F is distinguished mainly by the frequency and abundance of Persicaria maculosa and Polygonum aviculare.
Conservation value
Vegetation corresponding to this community is typically of relatively low conservation value. Segetal assemblages can contain archaeophytes such as Centaurea cyanus, Chrysanthemum segetum and Agrostemma githago which were once common sites of arable fields, but are now very rare. Species/64 m2 = 16.6, n = 7.
The persistence of this community is dependent on the regular disturbance that comes with arable farming and gardening practices. Rarer archaeophytes have declined due to modernisation of these practices.