The majority of land use in Ireland is designated to agriculture. Our biodiversity and the future of farmland and intrinsically linked; Our biodiversity has been shaped by agricultural activity and our long-term agricultural sustainability depends on biodiversity. Farmland can support our bird populations by taking evidence based actions. Birds can also support the future of agriculture through:
- Indicator of a healthy farm: You can use birds as a proxy of the health of your farm. Farms with a good diversity of birds is an indicator of a healthy ecosystem, which sustainably provides the ecosystem services that farmers rely on.
- Pest control: Barn Owls are known as the ‘farmer’s friend’ for feeding on rodents. Starlings and Lapwing are known to feed on leather jacket, a damaging grass pest.
But the very step for anyone interested in making their farms more suitable for birds or using birds as indicator of a healthy farm, is to learn to identify birds.