SM1C Suaeda maritima saltmarsh
The chief plant in this species-poor coastal community is the annual Suaeda maritima which can provide dense cover and which is usually accompanied by some subordinate growth of Salicornia agg. Sparse shoots of Puccinellia maritima frequently occur and occasionally one finds some Limonium humile or Atriplex portulacoides. Mean maximum vegetation height = 18.3 cm, n = 3.
This community may be found in the pioneer zone in the lower parts of saltmarsh on rather coarse sand-gravel substrates, but it also occurs higher up in the tidal frame, on shingle or sand-shingle mixtures and on driftlines. Conditions are base-rich (mean pH = 8.4, n = 3).
No sub-communities have been described for this community
Similar communities
This community is fairly distinct. Stands lower down on the marsh may well transition into patches of SM1C Salicornia agg. saltmarsh, as Salicornia and Suaeda trade dominance.
Conservation value
Almost all examples of this pioneer vegetation qualify as EU HD Annex I habitat 1310 Salicornia mud. It is typically a species-poor saltmarsh community (species/4 m2 = 3.6, n = 23) but the species that do occur are specialists.
These swards are typically unmanaged, although stands higher on the shore may be grazed by livestock. Sea-level rises as a result of climate change will have an impact, particularly in areas susceptible to coastal squeeze.